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Alterations & Extensions

Many clients will already have ideas about what changes they want to make to their property and we take every care to help make these dreams a reality.

There are many factors involved in the development of any property and we will be on hand to guide you through the process, controlling the different stages of the development.

It is essential that any alterations are planned in detail prior to any works commencing to ensure that the development process runs smoothly. This ensures that any works are carried out in a timely fashion and costs are kept under control. Changing plans part way through any project adds additional costs to the development spend and it is therefore essential to make sure from outset that the planned improvements are well thought through.

The following key stages are involved in the development process:

  • Design - Your project manager will discuss your ideas and requirements and offer advice as to how these can be achieved.
  • Regulation - In the event that Planning and Building Regulation approval is required, we have access to professional architects and structural engineers (if necessary) who will draft the necessary plans, which we will then submit to the local authority for approval.
  • Building Works - Our contractors will be employed in the preparation of any ground works, the construction or alteration of any structural elements of the property and the completion of any roofing works. Where necessary, exterior fittings, such as windows and doors will then be installed to ensure the property is weather tight.
  • Second Fix & Services - This stage of the development will include plastering works and basic joinery, together with service works such as plumbing and electrical connections, heating systems and safety devices.
  • Decoration, Fixtures & Fittings - The installation of kitchens and bathrooms will take place at this stage, together with other works such as tiling (floors and walls), formal joinery works and general interior fittings. The finishing touches are then put to the project, together with any floor coverings.
  • Completion - This will involve a final inspection of the works undertaken and all necessary completion certificates will also be provided to confirm that works have been carried out in accordance with the necessary permissions.
